
Katz  in Guxhagen, Hessen, Germany

To the records:
Katz in Guxhagen

This data is i documents from Hans-Peter Klein (mailto:vera.pit.klein@t-online.de).  
Homepage: http://www.judeninnordhessen.de.vu/



From Hans-Peter Klein:

The earliest notice about jews in Guxhagen we have is from 1664 (Judenspezifikation vom 30.03.1664, Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg Bestand 5, Nr.2347) with the names of Liebmann and Daniel (without surnames). In the same document we can find in the year 1700 the names of Levi and Sander (without surnames).


The first time we find the surname Katz is in the year 1715. In a list of pour jews who couldn’t pay protection money (Schutzgeld) we can read the name of Moses Katz (en), Guxhan (Hessisches Staastarchiv Marburg  Bestand 17/II, Nr. 672, Blatt 11).


Daniel Katz  is the next, we can find his name in lists from 1729 –1744:

-- Judenspezifikation vom 10.06.1729 (HStA Marburg 17/II, Nr.1109):

    „Daniel Katz (Schutzjude), Frau (wife), 2 Kinder (2 Kinder), 1 Knecht (1 farmhand)


-- Judenspezifikation vom 13.06.1730 (HstA Marburg, 17/II, Nr.1109):

    „Daniel Katz, Frau, 1 Sohn, 1 Tochter (1 son, 1 daughter), 1 Dienstjungen und einen

   Schulmeister nahmens Jospeh Levi ( 1 boy servant and a teacher named Joseph Levi)


-- Judenspezifikation/ Judenstättigkeit 1744 (HstA Marburg, 5, Nr.2347):

    „Daniel Katzen Rel(icta) Beyle“ (Relicta – widow)


So we can suppose that Moses and Daniel Katz are the oldest members of the Katzs in Guxhagen and we know the name of Daniels wife Beyle, that he had a son and a daughter and that he died before 1744.


From the 08.05.1744 there exist another document in the arcives in Marburg (Bestand 5, Nr. 2347), a list of  jewish people who moved the places where they lived. There we can read:

“Schmey Jacob Katz von Melsungen nach Guxhagen”


So this could explain why we have two Katz families in Guxhagen in the second half of the 18th century.


But we can proof, that Moses Katz (genealogy A) and Leimann/Levi Katz (genealogy B) were brothers. There is a very small detail in the 1808 record (p.8), the marriage of Salomon Katz and Merle David. There we find two witnesses, Seligmann Katz, 42 years old and Leimann Katz, 35 years old and it is said “dessen Vater ein Bruder von des Braeutigams Vater ist”.

(“The father is a brother of the bridegroom’s father.” = uncle). Salomon Katz was a son of Leimann/Levi Katz, Seligmann and Leimann Katz – the witnesses - were sons of Moses Katz.” (source The origin of the Katz)


Interesting details;


30 children, 16,2 percent dies before they are five years old

